Thursday, May 19, 2016


 I can't take credit for any of the demo but I truly wish I could be more hands on with this project. I would need to be highly supervised by a trained professional, but I could be taught.
 The kids, dogs and I are living with my parents in Atlanta, about 2 hours away, during the renovations while Eric works in Chattanooga and lives in a hotel. Eric has "camped out" on an air mattress in the house (all our stuff is in storage) as much as possible but its is a little tricky when the plumbing and electrical work is being worked on. 
Demolition, power tools and small children are not a good mix, so we carefully visit the house to see progress and then try to stay safely out of the way. Our contractor Rod and his team are very professional and are doing a great job!

For all you Fixer-Upper lovers out there, these photos are for you: DEMODAY! (Thanks mom for the #DEMODAY t-shirt) A free high-five goes to the first person who can correctly identify which photo is me and which photo is Chip Gaines. Twinsies!

Oh, What a relief to finally start this project and get this old carpet out! About 80% of the house was carpet that included 4 different styles. 
During one of our first visits to the house with the kids, I caught H2 (age 2) face down on the floor trying to eat the old gum/candy that was stuck in the carpet. Gross, Gross and Gross. 

where the kitchen sink used to be

main wall

this house is getting naked!

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